Talent | 6 min read
An inside look at what happens when you finally take a real vacation

I returned from my vacation with more than a tan. Here are 7 not-so-obvious things I learned by stepping away and unplugging from the office.

Security operations | 3 min read
Staff, C-suite disagree on how security drives innovation

The recent CSA research report found that the C-suite and security staff are disconnected on the role security plays in innovation. We want to explore why that’s happening.

Security operations | 7 min read
How to identify when you’ve lost control of your SIEM (and how to rein it back in)

See if these four telltale warning signs get your head nodding. If so, learn how to get started on regaining control.

Security operations | 5 min read
The myth of co-managed SIEMs

Think you can get a co-managed SIEM and then step away to let the magic happen? Not so fast. Our CISO shares some common myths and the realities you should consider before making a decision.

Talent | 4 min read
So you’re a manager. Congrats! Now what?

Creating strong leaders is paramount to the health and success of a company ... but managers are rarely given the tools to lead. That’s why we built a managers program at Expel.

Tips | 10 min read
It’s time to drive a rising tide

There are a few cybersecurity fundamentals that keep us safe … but how do you get the people in your org to adopt them? Our COO Yanek Korff’s got some ideas.

Security operations | 8 min read
The top five pitfalls to avoid when implementing SOAR

SOAR isn’t really about “orchestration and response.” It’s an engineering problem at its core. Here’s why.

Security operations | 4 min read
Don’t blow it — 5 ways to make the most of the chance to revamp your security posture

If you’ve got a blank canvas with the opportunity to build a security program from scratch, here’s how to get started and make the most of your new program.

Security operations | 3 min read
Four habits of highly effective security teams

Practice these habits consistently and you’ll have an engaged, talented and all-around awesome security team.

Tips | 4 min read
Four common infosec legal risks and how to mitigate them

There are four missteps we see happen often that open fast-growing companies up to unnecessary legal risks -- here’s how to course correct.

Tips | 6 min read
Dear fellow CEO: do these seven things to improve your org’s security posture

Need to get the security train back on the tracks? Our CEO’s got some pro tips on improving your org’s security ASAP.

Security operations | 4 min read
How to start a cybersecurity program (or restart one that lapsed)

If you're left holding the hot potato of a legacy lackluster security program, or are suddenly forced to protect your org and its data with less, here are a few quick steps to take to get cybersecurity efforts back on track.

Talent | 4 min read
Learning is fundamental

How to make change to create a learning environment and "The Three Ways" to bring order to your Security Operations Center (SOC). 4 min read.

Security operations | 7 min read
Warning signs that your MSSP isn’t the right fit

Look out for these 5 indicators that it's probably time to start considering alternatives to your managed security services provider (MSSP). 8 min read.

Talent | 3 min read
Recruit for team dauntless

A sample of questions posed in a recent interview, as we searched for the next member of our security team, and how to hire the fearlessly determined.

Security operations | 4 min read
Budget planning: determining your security spend

Guidance and a short list of things you can do to help you answer the common question "how much should I spend on cybersecurity?" (5 min read)

Security operations | 5 min read
How to avoid shelfware

Set yourself up for success by asking these four questions before you purchase new security products. (5 min read)

Talent | 3 min read
Mission matters: watch your signals

Here are four things you can start working on today to set the tone for security in your organization that will have a lasting impact on your team.

Security operations | 4 min read
Mistakes to avoid when measuring SOC performance

Discover the three most common mistakes companies make when developing their first set of operational metrics. (4 min read)

Talent | 2 min read
Don’t dam upstream: ways to build a feedback loop

Review four approaches to strengthen your security operations feedback loop and ensure analysts can influence detection. (3 min read)

Talent | 3 min read
Get your security tools in order: seven tactics you should know

Do you have the equipment and material needed to get your work right? Here are seven things to keep in mind to bring harmony to your toolchain. (4 min read)

Talent | 3 min read
Five ways to keep your security nerds happy

Hiring and keeping good IT/security practitioners can be tough, so once you’ve got good talent you’ll need to work to keep them. (3 min read)