New SEC cybersecurity regulations are here–Expel can help maintain compliance

New rules and zero tolerance for getting it wrong is a recipe for stress. We can help.

What are the new SEC regulations?

New SEC regulations were published on December 18, 2023. Here’s what the SEC requires:

  • Public (and aspiring public) companies will have to report material cybersecurity incidents to the SEC within four business days
  • The SEC also wants details on your cybersecurity risk program, involvement of assessors or consultants, and policies for third-party service providers

Want more details? Get all the legal information in this handy resource from the SEC.

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Maintaining compliance with the new SEC cybersecurity regulations

This regulation is broad-sweeping–but nuanced. Here’s what you need to do:

Identify relevant information.

Your cybersecurity team must identify incidents, determine what’s critical, and alert the right people.

Get answers

Speed is mandatory with this new regulation, and four business days isn’t a lot of time.

Perform root-cause analysis, quickly.

It’s not just understanding root-cause analysis and enriching it with context. You also have to use that information to build resilience.

Generate reports anyone can read.

Odds are someone across your board, stakeholders, or investors aren’t technical or InfoSec experts. Translating incidents into plain speak is critical.

As the leading MDR provider, Expel can help you accomplish all of this (and more).

How Expel can help you comply with the new SEC cybersecurity regulations

While new compliance regulations can sound intimidating, none of these requirements are challenges for Expel.

Expel MDR provides superior execution, accuracy, and speed compared to anyone else in the market, and is supported by our SecOps platform, Expel Workbench™. With Expel, you get:

  • World-class threat detection and intelligence that provide proactive, actionable insights
  • 24×7 SOC monitoring for your cybersecurity infrastructure, no matter how complex it is
  • Automated critical actions—ingestion, log analysis, detection, and correlation
  • Help understanding root causes quickly, in plain English

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