Black Hat 2024: Expel’s betting on black(hat)

· 1 MIN READ · MATT JASTRAM · AUG 1, 2024 · TAGS: Company news

Expel is going to Black Hat 2024–meet us in Vegas August 3-8


Take your PTO and fully disconnect—in Vegas or anywhere else

August is here, and so is Black Hat 2024. Expel is excited to attend, and we invite you to join us. Visit us at booth #3009 on August 7 and 8 to get your customized summer swag and the latest insights on our cutting-edge MDR solutions. 

Recently—both in the news and in Expel’s SOC—we’ve been talking about AI. It’s a hot topic on the conference circuit, and no wonder: we’ve seen an increase in AI usage by bad actors. It helps them augment or enhance their skillset, and makes them more efficient at getting into your environment—and thus more dangerous.

A recent example we’ve seen is with Phishing-as-a-Service (PhaaS). Cybercriminals can purchase ready-to-use phishing programs and start attempting to access credentials, business emails, or cloud platforms with little to no work upfront. Compromised credentials accounted for 64% of the incidents our SOC saw in Q2 this year, and PhaaS uses AI to make phishing a scalable (and more financially viable) type of attack. 

AI is yet another threat to add to your security team’s growing to-do list, and based on what we’ve already seen we don’t expect it go away any time soon. But Expel can help your team whittle away at that to-do list with our MDR. Meet us in the Black Hat Business Hall at booth #3009 to learn more.

There’s more fun on the Vegas Strip. You can find us sponsoring at other events throughout the week:

Looking for a private meeting? We’ve got you covered here. We can’t wait to see you there. 

And keep an eye out for exciting new resources and partnerships that might make their debut during Black Hat.