Our hit role-playing game Oh Noes! is back by popular demand

Test your security team’s incident response plan with this interactive exercise–and maybe have some fun, too

Oh Noes! combines traditional cybersecurity tabletop exercises with Dungeons & Dragons (DnD)-styled gaming

The best time to test your incident response (IR) plan isn’t when it’s time to put it in action. If you’re facing off against a bad actor in real-time—balancing technical information, pressure from leadership, and vague information—chances are their success rate is greater than yours.

But testing your IR plan on a regular basis can be tedious and dull–until now.

We’re changing the game with Oh Noes! This DnD-styled tabletop game allows your security team to create characters and role-play through cybersecurity incidents specific to your organization to test your operational processes, and even have a little fun while you’re at it.

Start playing Oh Noes!

Get the Oh Noes! Game kit and start playing

The game kit includes everything you need to test your incident response plan, including:

  • The Incident Master Guide
  • A blank character sheet
  • A scenario guide, including example cybersecurity threats to get you started
  • An editable sheet for you to track scenarios specific to your organization for custom gameplay